
Weekly Service Times:

Sunday Morning: 10:30 Worship and Children’s Church

Wednesday Night: Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries are not meeting during the summer

5:30 Free meal for all students

6:00 Royal Rangers for boys grades K-5 every Wednesday

6:00 Girls Ministries grades K-5 every Wednesday

6:15-7:30 Youth Group (Grades 6-12)

Monthly Events:

Community Meal: 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:30

Men’s Breakfast: Once a month on Saturday morning at 8:30

Small Groups:

The Chosen: An Interactive Bible study lead by Brad and Nancy Dehmlow. This group meets Monday nights in Park Falls. The Chosen TV Series (

Acts Grow Track: A small group for new Christians or church attenders to develop relationships with other believers, grow in their walk with God, and find a place to serve in the church and community. Lead by Pastor Brock.

Upcoming Events:

Assembly Park Summer Camps

  • High School Camp July 8-12
  • Merge Camp (middle and high school) July 15-19
  • Middle School Camp July 22-26
  • Kids Camp July 29-Aug 2

Men’s Fishing Trip August 16-17

Check Our Facebook Page for Additional Events